Does my dog need exercise?
It is important to give your dog plenty of exercise.
Dogs enjoy play time with toys.
Daily walks are also good exercise for both you and your dog.
Be sure to be a responsible owner when walking. Always scoop and bag dog feces.
Should I follow leash laws in public?
Yes. A leash helps keep your pet safe and in control from strangers, children, other dogs and from their own instincts to run away when they feel frightened or threatened.
Where can I learn more about pet health?
When it comes to your pet… your phone can be your next best friend!
Did you know that there are apps on your phone that will give you instant advice? By searching in the App Store, you will be able to find instant advice and information that will help you and your pet.
Some search topics are:
- Animal Poison
- Animal Magazines
- Finding a Lost Pet
- Flyers for a Lost Pet
- Ordering Pet Food
and many more ….
Get smart when it comes to media… many newspapers now have news about pets!
Trusted pet health websites:
Why should I keep a collar and ID tags on my pet?
If the shelter finds a pet with a collar and identification on it, our Front Desk Ambassador makes every effort to contact the owner and tell them that their pet is at our shelter. The less time your pet spends at the shelter, the less it will cost you to redeem it and the faster you will be reunited.
Micro-chipping is permanent and a great addition to I.D. tags. Most shelters and veterinary clinics will check for micro-chips in animals. The number is entered into a national database which helps to “match-up” owners with their pets.
Why shouldn’t I declaw my cat?
Cats use their claws to exercise, play, stretch, climb, hunt and mark their territory. Although your cat might use your hands or furniture for these activities, declawing in NOT the answer. Declawing is a painful and difficult operation. It is the same as removing the first joint on all of your fingers. It impairs the cat’s balance and causes weakness from muscular disuse. Declawed cats are defenseless. Cats need their claws for protection. You may know that your indoor cat will never have to climb a tree in order to escape the neighbor’s dog, but your cat doesn’t know it. Declawing makes a cat feel insecure and defenseless. It is radical to cut off so many parts of the body to prevent such a simple behavior problem.
In addition, declawing destroys one of the cat’s most enjoyable activities – climbing. It is natural for cats to scratch. It is perfectly normal feline behavior. It is unfair and inhumane to punish a cat for acting like a cat. The stress resulting from being declawed creates more problems than it allegedly solves. Some declawed cats become more nervous biters; others are known to become even more destructive to furniture than before the operation, and many cats stop using the litter box.
There are alternatives to declawing. Exercise and play with your cat regularly. Give him a scratching post and teach him to use it. See the sheet on “Scratching Furniture” enclosed in your adoption packet.
- Temporarily confine your cat to a small area where he does not have access to your furniture. A few days in a room with a litter box, food, water and of course a scratching post is much more humane than declawing.
- Trim your cat’s nails on a regular basis. The curved tip of the claw is the part that hooks into fabric, rugs, etc., and causes the most damage. If your cat is scratching you in play, see the sheet on “Biting and Scratching” enclosed in your adoption packet.
Can my pet catch diseases from wildlife?
Raccoons, skunks and bats carry rabies. A raccoon can carry canine (dog) distemper and have an intestinal parasitic worm that causes severe disease if it infects humans. Do not handle a raccoon or touch its feces. Vaccinate your pet for distemper and rabies and keep them on a leash when in areas where raccoons are living.
Additionally, pigeon feces can be a source of fungal spores which can cause diseases in humans and animals.
Why is it important to spay or neuter my pet?
There have been several studies over the years on this subject. They have all found that, even when done at two months of age, spaying and neutering puppies and kittens does not harm them and greatly decreases the pet overpopulation problem.
All animals adopted from the shelter are required by law to be spayed or neutered. Early age neutering and spaying also virtually eliminates mammary (breast) cancer and testicular cancer and will reduce any future prostate problems. THERE IS NO GOOD REASON NOT TO SPAY OR NEUTER!
What is Lyme Disease and how do I treat it?
Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks and causes inflamed joints, fever and systemic illness. It can be costly and difficult to treat.
There is a vaccination for dogs that will help prevent this disease and it is recommended any pet owner to ask your vet about the vaccination.
Using flea powders/sprays or the spot-on Frontline or Advantix will help kill the ticks.
What is heartworm and how do I treat it?
Heartworm is a parasitic disease of dogs and cats that causes heart failure. The mature worms live in the chambers of the heart and the larvae are in the blood. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. There is a blood test that your vet can do to see if your pet has heartworm and medicine the vet can prescribe to prevent the pet from getting heartworm.
If your pet travels outside the city, it is a good idea to see your vet and get on the preventative medication.
Treatment for heartworm disease is costly and can be harmful to the pet so prevention is definitely a better alternative.
How do I deal with fleas?
This is a subject that is open to much debate. The short answer is: ATTACK ON ALL FRONTS AND NEVER GIVE UP!
Spray the yard, spray and flea-bomb the house, flea bathe the cat or dog and then use either powders/sprays of one of the new spot-on products (Advantage or Frontline). The powders/sprays need daily application, while the spot-on products are applied monthly.
It may take a few months to see good results, but the war can be won. BE DETERMINED!
Should I use a carrier when transporting my pet?
When possible, yes! Carriers help keep both you and your pet safe while traveling.
Pets should always be properly restrained during transport.
When should my pet be spayed or neutered?
Pediatric spaying or neutering is dependent on the breed of the dog, but can be as early as 2 months old as mating begins at 12 months.
Spaying or neutering may begin at 2 months, but kittens must weigh at least 2 pounds as mating age begins at 12 months.