Where should my pet sleep?
Dogs like a consistent place to sleep such as a dog bed or a cage that is large enough for them to turn around or stretch.
Puppies need a place to stretch and grow. Adjust the pet bed size with your puppy’s growth.
Older cats independently choose where they sleep. Kittens may feel more secure in their own bed.
Sample bed: Cardboard box on the ground floor, lined with an old towel or clothing. Neo- Kittens will need a hot water bottle or a small heating pad. The bed must be long enough for the cat to stretch out. Wash and/or change bedding frequently.
What vaccines are available for my pet?
- Corona
- Lyme Disease
- Bordetella
- DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and parvo virus)
- Rabies
- FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia)
- FIP (feline infectious peritonitis)
- Rabies
What types of cat litter should I use?
Store bought litter comes in many varieties. Cats coming from shelters use non-scented pellets. Make sure to make a gradual change in their litter for a successful transition.
Litter for kittens should be unscented and non-clumping up to 8 weeks old.
How big should my cat litter pan be?
Litter pans should be large enough for your cat to turn around and dig in.
Where should I place my cat litter pan?
Make sure the litter pan is easily accessible and private, in a permanent location.