
Volunteering through the VCHS!

There are a variety of ways to support the Venango County Humane Society, and not all require hands-on time with the animals (although they are amazing!).

The shelter offers classes for those who would like to share their time with the animals, either at the shelter or by fostering in your home, or assist with the daily activities that keep things running smoothly. There are also numerous fundraisers that look for volunteers. As you can imagine, keeping the lights on requires some work (and donations)! Giving an hour or more of your time helps more than we can say.

Our board members and their families assist with our twice-a-year Purse Bingo, which includes an amazing basket raffle, 50/50, and lottery board raffle. They also assist with our Applefest Tent, which gets bigger every year, and the VCHS sponsored parking lot that gives all proceeds to the shelter.

It literally takes a village to put these events and many more together. Plus there are our regular twice weekly bingos at Lee Bessler Hall as well as our Thrift Store in Franklin.

We know volunteers are essential for all our community events. Please consider reaching out to any board member or a shelter employee if you would like to help. The feeling of pride and comfort in knowing all this helps shelter animals until they find their forever home is AMAZING!

Volunteers are a part of our extended staff. We are always in need of committed and caring people to help us at the shelter or with our important Outreach Programs.

Volunteering helps individuals to build skills. It’s a way to give back to our community and to help our shelter animals. 

Are you interested in Volunteering?

Volunteer orientations are scheduled periodically. You will be contacted by our Volunteer Coordinator Katie to set up a time and date for orientation once your application is received.